
United Kingdom, Sweden

Kit Downes – piano
Petter Eldh – bass
James Maddren - drums

Enemy is a friend of ample improvisation. The trio around pianist Kit Downes, a phenomenon between the BBC and ECM, bassist and producer Petter Eldh, who performed with his "Post Koma" on the main stage at the Jazzfestival this summer, and James Maddren, one of the "most sought-after jazz drummers in Europe" (Jazz-moves), says that it is all about "intensity and complexity – negotiations of cryptic rhythms and wonky beats with light speed intensity and high energy". For almost seven years and two albums, one as "Enemy" for Edition and the next with the same line-up but their real names for ECM, they have been playfully pushing each other’s limits. "They seem like atoms searching for each other to form molecules in infinite space," wrote Wolf Kampmann in Jazz thing about their latest release. "A musical primal state in whose development the listener can actively participate."
Kunsthaus Nexus
25. January 2025
19:00 O'clock
Duration: 1 Hour