adventure sports, crossbow shooting, archery

Archery School Nr. 1

Marzon 10
5760 Saalfelden

Archery is one of the leisure trends of this decade. The Bowfire 3D archery course is located right next to our farm. Here you can take aim at up to 28 3D animals with the whole family, in a sociable group or under professional guidance. There are also smaller rounds for beginners and a training area. Always in your sights: a marvellous panoramic view over the Saalfelden basin.

Registration: Tell. 0043 677 62446140 Willi

Additional Events


01. January 1980 - 31. December 2068

Kräuter aus dem Garten für unsere Kinder

01. January 1980 - 31. December 2068

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