own wine/farm products, Austrian cuisine, inn/tavern


Nr. 1
5771 Leogang

Guests love to sit together, enjoy the food, and shoot the breeze at this charming country inn. The restaurant´s farm grows all the ingredients used in the kitchen; processes its own beef, lamb, and foal meat, we also bake our own bread. From the middle to the end of October, annual foal gourmet weekstake place.

Additional Events

Schneeschuhwandern Region Saalfelden Leogang (C) M

Alpine snowshoe hike with nature experience

Professionally guided snowshoe hike in more challenging terrain, with valuable information and tips about nature, healthy exercise, walking...
09. January - 30. March 2025

Mystic Nighthike

Experience a MYSTICAL NIGHT HIKE with Birgit Battocleti from www.wanderung-salzburg.at through the wild and romantic Ullachtal valley. Under the...
07. October 2024 - 30. April 2026
Alpaka Trekking in Leogang

Alpaka trekking

The hike incl. lots of information about the alpacas takes about 2 hours (pure walking time about 1.5 hours) and is easy to walk, but with good...
01. January 2023 - 31. December 2026

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