mountain hut/mountain restaurant, alpine dairy/snack bar

Peter Wiechenthaler Hütte

The "Peter - Wiechenthaler Hütte" is located high above Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, a hut of the austrian alpine club, at 1752 metres at the edge of the "stony sea". The hut is awarded with the "Refuge-Environment seal of quality" of the austrian alpine club. Christiane Feller Tel: 0043 664 9544822

Bachwinkl 24
5760 Saalfelden

The "Peter - Wiechenthaler Hütte" is located high above Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, a hut of the austrian alpine club, at 1752 metres at the edge of the "stony sea". The hut is awarded with the "Refuge-Environment seal of quality" of the austrian alpine club. Christiane Feller Tel: 0043 664 9544822

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01. January 1980 - 31. December 2068

Kräuter aus dem Garten für unsere Kinder

01. January 1980 - 31. December 2068

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