bike shop, skiing rental, alpine skiing, sports shop, e-bike, cross country skiing, sports equipment rental, bicycle rental

Sport 2000 Simon

Leoganger Str. 23
5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer

All routes lead to SPORT 2000 SIMON - the ski and bike pro in Saalfelden

This applies to the location, the selection and the service strength alike. Cycling enthusiasts and ski/sport fans will find our specialist shop and outlet for popular sports brands direct in Saalfelden - at the junction for Leogang (Interspar / OMV gas station). With top brands, good advice and a great price-service ratio, we are highly thought of by our clients.

That's what our guests like:
: repair shop and bike rental for mountainbikes, e-bikes and trekkingbikes
: variety of bikes from Scott, Cube, Trek, Airstreeem and more top brands
: top equipment, accessoires and fashion
: expert advice and top-service

Additional Events


01. January 1980 - 31. December 2068

Kräuter aus dem Garten für unsere Kinder

01. January 1980 - 31. December 2068

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