Adventure Stoissengraben for children

Family Tip

We playfully discover the impressive Stoissengraben valley.

The choice of games depends on the weather.

Summer: Painting stones, building a shelter, building a dam, weaving
flower wreaths, salt dough, exploring water animals, exploring a cave,
making a fire and grilling bread, animal memorie, sack races, jumping
rope, rubber hopping, jumping puddles, ...

Winter: Snowshoe course for children, short torchlight hike with
snowshoes, building a snowman, building an igloo, melting ice/snow,
discovering a cave, making a small campfire, melting ice/snow, smoking,
building a snowman...

Duration: 3 h children

Equipment: rubber boots if available, hiking boots, rainwear, possibly
trousers to swap, small towel, sun protection for children; in winter
snow clothing, good winter shoes for snowshoes (register if snowshoes
are needed)

Costs: included in the Saalfelden Leogang Card, without Saalfelden Leogang Card € 20,00 p.p.

Registration until 4.00 p.m. the day before 

Meetingpoint: Entry Stoissengraben

scroll down for registration
parking lot Stoissengraben
08. March 2025 - 29. April 2026
15:30 O'clock
Duration: 3 Hours