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"Bauernherbst" in Saalfelden Leogang
The golden days
"Bauernherbst", or the festival of harvest, is celebrated at harvest time with various events in Salzburg. Tradition, customs and old crafts are brought back to life. If you are curious about the rich colors, the clear air, the almost infinite view, the cultivated traditions and the unique cuisine of Saalfelden Leogang, then the best time to get to the holiday region is in autumn.
End of August - End of October
Saalfelden Leogang
Saalfelden Leogang Touristik GmbH
Mittergasse 21a
5760 Saalfelden
Die kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten aus der Region lassen keinen Wunsch offen. Wer sich von dem vielfältigen Angebot überzeugen möchte, kommt am besten zu einer der zahlreichen Veranstaltungen oder stattet unseren Direktvermarktern einen Besuch ab.
"Bauernherbst" impressions
Numerous hikes invite you to relax in the golden time of the year at pleasant temperatures. The culinary delicacies from the region leave nothing to be desired. If you want to see the varied offer, the best is to visit the weekly farmer's market, which takes place every Friday morning at the townhall square in Saalfelden. The motto of this year's "Bauernherbst" is "Herbs, wild- and medicinal plants." This theme is reflected in the offerings of the restaurants, or in the beautiful hay decorations alongside the road, which are lovingly designed every year by local associations.