Eislaufen am Ritzensee mit traumhaftem Panorama | © Michael Geißler
Winter of contrasts
Experience the variety of ice sport

Ice skating in Saalfelden Leogang

Who would have thought that ice sport could be so multi-faceted? In Saalfelden Leogang, ice skaters can complete circuits of the natural skating rink that is the frozen Ritzensee lake or take on the Brandlhof ice speedway. If you’re still looking for extra ways to enjoy the ice, then you can try out ice go-karting or ice stock sport. You’re sure to have fun whatever you do!
Fremdenverkehrs GmbH & Co. KG
Steinergasse 3–5
T +43 6542 785-0
Hotel Gasthof Schörhof
Marzon 10 | 5760 Saalfelden
T +43 6582 792
Leisure complexleisure complex at Sonnrain
Sonnrain 62
T +43 664 18160103

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