5th Tourism Day Saalfelden Leogang

Wednesday, 29.11.2023

5th Tourism Day Saalfelden Leogang

Strengthening roots through knowledge - on 28 November 2023, the fifth Tourism Day was held at the Congress Saalfelden.

Every year at the Tourism Day, organised by Saalfelden Leogang Touristik, exciting presentations by well-known speakers and personalities await all entrepreneurs in the region. This year, Benny Pregenzer, Managing Director of Bergbahnen Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis and Wolfgang Fasching, extreme sportsman and mental coach, were invited to Saalfelden Leogang to motivate and inspire entrepreneurs and employees for the winter season.

The evening was opened by Hannes Riedlsperger (TVB Chairman Saalfelden), Christoph Schmuck (TVB Chairman Leogang) and Marco Pointner (Managing Director of Saalfelden Leogang Touristik), among others with the new brand video created in 2023, which illustrates the goals and values of the Saalfelden Leogang region and gives an exciting insight into the positioning and persona.

Saalfelden Leogang is one of the leading year-round destinations in the Alpine region. 365 days a year, it offers a living space rich in contrasts and a high-quality experience. Measures such as continuous product development in the focus areas of biking, hiking, culture, alpine skiing and Nordic skiing as well as year-round marketing activities contribute to this success. Thanks to targeted brand positioning and strengthening of the off-seasons, Saalfelden Leogang was once again able to generate around one million overnight stays, thus catching up with the pre-corona level. However, the number of overnight stays is not the decisive success criterion for Saalfelden Leogang Touristik. The region has set itself the goal of becoming the Alpine destination with the highest added value in the Alps. The aim is to increase value creation in the entire region, strengthen regional economic cycles and thus create a high-quality living and recreational space in Saalfelden Leogang. This requires a clear positioning of the brand, perfect interaction between all service partners and a high quality of service.

The fact that the region is on the right track is confirmed by the numerous awards that the tourism association has received in 2023, such as the ‘Best in Travel’ award from Lonely Planet, the coveted UCI Bike Region Label, second place at the VICTOR awards as Sports Tourism Region of the Year, bronze at the T.A.I. Advertising Grand Prix and much more. ‘These awards are an important recognition of our efforts in recent years and spur us on as a team to continue realising innovative projects and events in the areas of sport, tourism and culture in the future,’ says Marco Pointner. 

Saalfelden Leogang is one of the most important tourist destinations in Austria. This is only possible because the various service partners in the region pull together. The hosts in the region, mostly local families who have been running their businesses for generations, always have their finger on the pulse and offer relaxation and enjoyment all year round. They are constantly developing in terms of quality and with a wealth of ideas. The employees and locals who make Saalfelden Leogang so unique are also crucial to its success. In order for Saalfelden Leogang to continue to operate successfully on the market in the future, it is of great importance that all partners work together in the same direction, that a high quality of service is offered and that the goals and values of the region are reflected in the businesses and their employees.


The evening's presentations were entitled ‘Motivation & Inspiration’:

Benny Pregenzer, Managing Director of Bergbahnen Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis, was the first speaker to take to the stage. ‘We are Family’ is the motto of the family-friendly holiday region of Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis on the Tyrolean sun plateau. How do you manage to be the best holiday region for guests and locals, especially for their families? The region has set itself this question and is leading by example. From ski schools, children's restaurants, baby care for skiers, ski and pushchair hire stations to accessibility on the mountain and in the valley, an ‘all-round service’ is offered. Service excellence is just as important here as the motto ‘We are Family’. Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis, which is one of the most renowned family destinations in Europe, has more than 70% regular guests.

A presentation by Wolfgang Fasching, extreme sportsman and mental coach, rounded off the evening. He attributes his top performances as a cyclist and mountaineer to more than just physical strength. His motivational talk ‘You can do what you want’ shows how important mental strength is and what opportunities it opens up. You can do what you want - with this attitude, almost anything is possible, there are no limits to what you can achieve. It is important to embrace failure, be courageous, leave your comfort zone, live in the ‘now’ and work in an experience-orientated way. These are some of the basic ingredients for the recipe for success. Fasching explained the power of thoughts, how they shape our lives and how we can use them to go through life stronger, healthier and more successful. All participants of the Tourism Day received his book ‘The Power of Thought’ as a gift and inspiration.

After the exciting presentations, the participants were invited to enjoy regional delicacies and refreshments and were able to round off the successful Tourism Day with discussions with the speakers.