New voyage of discovery in the Leogang show mine:

Thursday, 22.07.2021

New voyage of discovery in the Leogang show mine:

Virtual and barrier-free or real with a mine railway ride!

Looking, marveling and going on a treasure hunt in the interior of the mountains? For many years, a visit to the Leogang underground mine has been a unique experience. From the 15th century onwards, miners mined silver, mercury, cobalt, copper, lead, nickel and magnesite here. 

Many unique tunnels have been created as a result, which since this year can even be experienced virtually – from home, spontaneously and around the clock. A virtual 3D tour of the show mine Leogang makes this possible. How does it work? With state-of-the-art laser technology and cameras, the interior of the old mine was measured and digitized. Detailed scans helped create a unique experience. From the sofa, visitors can try out the interactive 3D model on the newly redesigned website of the Leogang Mine and get an insight into the 3,000-year-old history of Leogang Mining. In 1970, mining was discontinued. The virtual tour through the visitor mine resembles a computer game graphic. The digital excursion is accessible to everyone without barriers – all you need is a smartphone, a PC or a tablet with internet access. In addition, there is a bilingual audio guide and the app for free. With the virtual tour of the Leogang show mine, you can even reach places that you do not have access to during a guided tour on site. 

If you want to feel like a real miner, with helmet and lamp, underground and also prefer cooler temperatures in summer, you can also visit the Barbarastoll as part of a guided tour. Since 1989, the show mine in the Saalfelden Leogang region has been open to visitors. With a trained guide, you walk through the tunnels, some of which are only 90 cm wide, past deep shafts. You have to overcome over 200 steps. At about seven to eight degrees Celsius, you encounter an overwhelming labyrinth inside the mountain. 

For children from the age of five, the visit to the Leogang show mine is also a special under-the-day experience, because every Wednesday in July and August is Children's Day and there are guided tours especially for kids. Another highlight for the youngest visitors is a ride on the original mine railway, the Grubenbahn. In addition, there is a new adventure playground and, as a reinforcement, skimpy bread, which can even be baked yourself in good weather. The Leogang show mine is open from May to October.