Opening Art Trail Leogang "Journey by Adriana Franza"

Monday, 27.06.2022

Opening Art Trail Leogang "Journey by Adriana Franza"

On Sunday, June 26, 2022, the opening of the Kunstwanderweg at the Asitz took place in bright summer weather.

To the delight of the organizers, numerous visitors took part in the event. The Kulturverein FRERAUM and the Leoganger Bergbahnen want to promote grown and new culture on site and offer artists the opportunity to develop. This year, the art trail at the Asitz was decorated with works by Adriana Franza, who conveys in her works the connection with her native Sicily. 

"Journey by Adriana Franza"

The 2022 Kunstwanderweg was designed by Adriana Franza, a native Sicilian who lives in Vienna and pursues her artistic activity there. The connection with her native Sicily is evident in her works. The ancient culture, architecture and beauty of Sicily’s nature play an important role in her pictures. These elements can be seen again and again.

Below the Asitzbahn mountain station starts the beautiful forest trail via the "Stille Wasser am Asitz" to Sinner Park at the Asitzbahn Mittelstation. Every 30 to 40 meters there are works of art by this year's exhibitor, Adriana Franza, which invite you to take a short break and look at it. The artworks are on display from 26.06.2022 to 16.10.2022.