Forest Bathing on the Asitz: Experience Nature and Find Inner Peace

On a clear autumn day, my good friend Elli and I finally have the chance to explore the mountains of our homeland again. The Saalfelden Leogang region is a true paradise for nature lovers. Whether we hike to the Spielberghorn, the Passauer Hut, or the Peter-Wiechenthaler Hut, every trail has its own charm. This time, however, we’ve decided to try something new: forest bathing on the Asitz. Our goal is to leave behind the stress of everyday life and fully immerse ourselves in the beauty of the autumn landscape.

Riding the Steinbergbahn to the "Mountain of the Senses"

Even the ride up with the Steinbergbahn feels like a journey into another world. As the cabin slowly climbs higher, a thick blanket of fog spreads out below us, and the first rays of sunlight peek through. At the top, we are greeted by fresh mountain air and a stunning panorama. The surrounding peaks rise majestically into the sky, still shrouded in a light mist. It’s a moment that invites us to pause and take a deep breath. The perfect start to our adventure.


Forest Bathing - the Healing Power of Nature

After a short orientation, we reach the beginning of the forest bathing trail. A large archway marks the entrance, and the first information board explains the concept of "Shinrin Yoku", as forest bathing is called in Japan. It’s about sharpening the senses and fully relaxing in the natural environment. The trail leads us 8.2 kilometers through 14 different stations, from the top station of the Steinbergbahn down to the valley. It’s an experience that encourages us to slow down and let the world fade into the background.

Simply Being at the High Moor

One particularly enchanting spot is the high moor at Kniestichkogel, located at an altitude of 1,532 meters. Elli and I settle into the comfortable reclining benches and let the mystical atmosphere of this place wash over us. Up here, time seems to stand still. This unique location, protected under the Salzburg Nature Conservation Act, provides a habitat for many rare species. Entering the moor itself is strictly forbidden, but the view is more than enough to feel its magic.

Towards the Sea of Fog

After our rest, we continue on, soon arriving at a wooden observation platform. From here, we should have a grand view of the surrounding mountain peaks – in theory, at least. Today, the sea of fog tests our imagination, and we laugh about how we could probably use a refresher course on recognizing mountain summits. Despite the mist, a snapshot of this surreal scene is a must.

Breathe In - Breathe Out

A little further along, we come to an idyllic clearing known as the "Tree Unit". Trees to lean against, tree stumps to sit on, and a long wooden bench in the center make this the perfect spot for mindful breathing and reconnecting with nature. Elli excels in her meditative exercise, while I enjoy the atmosphere in my own way - with a smile on my face and a deep breath of crisp mountain air.

Yoga for Beginners

As we pass the Steinbergbahn’s mid-station - a great stopping point for those who don’t want to walk the whole trail - Elli and I press on. Not long after, we come across an empty platform called the "Yoga Place". Yoga isn’t exactly my forte, but why not try something new? I manage to sit cross-legged, at least, and the stunning view of the foggy valleys more than makes up for my shaky attempts at yoga.

One Last Look at the Valley

The closer we get to the valley, the denser the fog becomes, giving the scenery a magical feel. At the "Sagenplatz", I take one last look at the Steinerne Meer and the Leogang Mountains while Elli relaxes on a forest swing. Our final steps take us deeper into the forest, and the mystical atmosphere only intensifies.

Between Light and Fog

The true beauty of autumn really reveals itself once we’re fully immersed in the forest. Soft sunlight breaks through the mist, casting hazy outlines of the trees. It feels as if we’re walking through a painting – the silence and golden light are simply breathtaking. We follow a small stream downhill and soon reach the final part of the forest bathing trail.

Canopy Bed and Waterfall

Before our adventure ends, one last highlight awaits us: a picturesque waterfall nestled deep in the woods. But first, we treat ourselves to a final rest in a large canopy bed, where we gaze up at the treetops. The sound of birdsong and the scent of damp moss make this moment feel perfect. As we approach the waterfall and its roaring sound grows louder, we close our eyes and let the day come to a peaceful end. A perfect conclusion to a perfect autumn day on the Asitz.


Forest bathing on the Asitz is a unique opportunity to experience nature up close. The tranquility of the forest, the fresh mountain air, and the stunning views make this hike the perfect escape from everyday life, especially in the golden autumn season. This hike is ideal for unwinding, reconnecting with nature, and recharging. It’s an experience I highly recommend to anyone who wants to feel the deep connection with the natural world.

Images: Michael Geißler