Stories from Saalfelden Leogang

  1. The hermitage of Saalfelden - a recreational place with a long history

    The hermitage of Saalfelden is easy to remember, as it was buit into a rock above of the city and it seems to have always belonged there. It is a really popular hiking destination for the young and the elderly ones, because it is known as a place...
  2. Four new trails in Saalfelden Leogang

    2019 has been an interessting year here in Saalfelden Leogang. There has been a lot of planning, building, digging and constructing. In 2019 four new lines and trails have been built in the Bikepark Leogang. We are going to take a look at...
  3. Interview: Why is it healthy to exercise in nature?

    Due to a few mice at waterfalls, university lecturer Dr. Arnulf Hartl, head of the Institute for Ecomedicine at the Paracelsus Medical Privat University in Salzburg, explores the effects of exercise in nature. His results until now: Hiking and...
  4. Regnerischer Tag in Saalfelden - Leogang

    7 ideas for rainy weather in Saalfelden-Leogang

    Rainy weather in Saalfelden Leogang? We have seven ideas for you, to brighten up your day! Of course, we are all happier when the sun is shining, but the region Saalfelden-Leogang offers several activities, which can also be...