Kristina Seer

Kristina Seer

Kristina grew up at an inn at Leogang. As a child she started exploring the region Saalfelden Leogang and knows almost all the secret places. After seven years in Klagenfurt, she is now back at home. She loves to hike and has a fondness for good traditional fare of the Pinzgau.

Articles by this author

  1. Recipe: Tyrolean Gröstl

    This time we visit our neighbouring federal state Tyrol and prepare a Tyrolean Gröstl. This dish is not only popular in Tyrol, but also in the rest of Austria and especially in Salzburg at our ski huts in winter. Today, we show you...
  2. Recipe: Germknödel (yeast dumpling)

    Winter is coming. That means it's time for a real ski hut classic: the Germknödel. After Kaiserschmarrn, it is certainly THE dish that gourmets at the ski hut will not spurn. And when the sweet smell wafts into your nose, the anticipation of the...
  3. Hiking Pass Challenge: Stöcklalm

    Some stamps of the Hiking Pass Challenge are easily earned, like this one. Because the Stöcklalm is located directly at the mid-station of the Asitzbahn and when it is in operation, you quickly have one more point in your hiking pass. However, you...
  4. Wanderpass Challenge: Peter Wiechenthaler Hut

    Five years ago I would not have hiked this route to the Peter Wiechenthaler Hut so confidently. With the 900 meters of altitude to overcome, I had a lot of respect for this hike. Probably because I didn't have much mountain experience. This has...