Kristina Seer

Kristina Seer

Kristina grew up at an inn at Leogang. As a child she started exploring the region Saalfelden Leogang and knows almost all the secret places. After seven years in Klagenfurt, she is now back at home. She loves to hike and has a fondness for good traditional fare of the Pinzgau.

Articles by this author

  1. Recipe: A quick Kaiserschmarrn

    Sometimes you feel like having Kaiserschmarrn and you immediately want to have some. However, when cooking the original recipe, the Kaiserschmarrn takes its time. Here is a quick and especially delicious variation of a recipe for...
  2. A glimpse behind the scenes of the world championship

    What probably everyone knows by now, is that organizers of an event had no easy time in 2020. But just because something is not easy, does not mean it's not possible. The whole organization of an event is turned upside down. Tasks...
  3. Safe & fair with the bike

    Whether uphill, downhill or biking in the valley - there are rules we should follow. We are proud that a large part of our beautiful region can be explored by bike. But that is not a given. Each route crosses land that is someone's property and you...
  4. Recipe: Moosbee-Nudl

    If I had to choose my favourite recipe for the summer, it would definitely be Moosbee-Nudl (similar to blueberry pancakes)!