With the Loigom-Soifen Shuttle to the show mine

For about two years now, there has been the Loigom Shuttle. In 2024, it was expanded to include many stops in Saalfelden and promptly renamed the Loigom-Soifen Shuttle. This flagship project of the Salzburg Transport Association demonstrates one of the ways we should think about public transport in the future. The car can confidently stay at home or in the hotel's garage, while you explore the region easily - and for free with the Saalfelden Leogang Card.

Search, Book, Ride

A trip with the Loigom-Soifen Shuttle is anything but complicated. Through the app, you search for the desired connection, book it, and show up at the right stop at the chosen time. There, you will be picked up (since May 2024, even barrier-free) by a Mercedes-Benz eVito and taken to your desired destination stop. One of the 55 stops is the show mine in Schwarzleotal. Until now, you either had to drive there by car or hike 40 minutes from the bus stop, but now you can conveniently zip there with the Loigom-Soifen Shuttle.

On the Trail of Silver, Lead, and Cobalt

The short ride through Schwarzleotal ends at the Unterberghaus. The rustic hut, with its beautiful terrace and delicious menu, invites you to linger, but first, we're heading to the show mine. Together with Martina, we follow the tracks of the miners into the Barbarastollen. It's hard to imagine that the tunnels in the mountain have existed since the Middle Ages. For the most part, minerals and ores were extracted here using manual chiseling with iron and mallets. During an 8-hour workday, the tunnel would advance by about 1 cm. It was only later that the mining process was sped up through fire-setting and eventually blasting.

The tunnel always maintains a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius and high humidity. This makes the show mine a great excursion destination on hot days.

Martina vom Unterberghaus

Mining makes you hungry

Back at the Unterberghaus, we quickly make ourselves comfortable on the terrace. A gentle breeze is blowing, and we hear the babbling of the Schwarzleo stream. The Pinzgau delicacies served by Sebastian and Manfred taste even better! What else is there to say except: Glück auf (good luck) and see you soon in Schwarzleotal!

Images: Michael Geißler